Most Expensive foods in the world | Top 8 Expensive foods in the world

Most expensive foods in the world 

Food is the most essential thing in everyone's life. We almost ate all varieties of foods which available in our locality and we even Plan some trips also to eat famous and varieties of foods in our range ( country/City).

If I say like this do you believe that there is a search foods that which is very expensive.

Most expensive foods in the world:

  1. Almas Caviar
  2. Saffron
  3. Ayam Cemani Black Chicken
  4. White Truffles
  5. Matsutake Mushroom
  6. Kopi Luwak coffee
  7. Swallow's Nest Soup
  8. Moose Cheese
Above listed are the most expensive foods in the world and there are lot more foods also. Now let's know about the above listed foods in detail.

1. Almas Caviar

Almas Caviar | infomacha
Almas Caviar 

This Caviar is the most expensive Caviar in the world. 
To Specify   how much expensive it is, it is named as Almas Caviar, Almas means diamond in Arabic.
Why it is most expensive?
Almas Caviar is produced by Albino Beluga Sturgeon female fish which is nearly 60 to 100 years old and another effort is slow reproduction cycle .
Albino Beluga lives in the waters of Caspian Sea.
Albino Beluga Sturgeon Caviar is expensive nearly cost $34,500 for 1 kg.
Benefits of Almas Caviar:
The Caviar is very high in vitamin B12 which is very important for body functioning.
It is high in Omega 3 fatty acids and good source of calcium.

2. Saffron 

Saffron | infomacha

The 'red gold" saffron is popularly known as red gold.
The saffron is the most expensive in the world because of the process which involves to collect the saffron, to collect one gram of saffron nearly 150 flowers are required, it requires lot of patience and so much of time to extract the small pistils from each Crocus Sativus flower. 
Saffron nearly cost around $10,000.

3. Ayam Cemani Black Chicken 

Ayam Cemani Black Chicken | infomacha
Ayam Cemani Black Chicken

I know we all are huge fans of meat specially chicken.
Ayam Cemani Black Chicken, the chicken which is in Black colour, entire its body including with feathers to flash everything. except it's blood remaining all are in Black colour only.
This is the rarest breed nearly cost $5000.
Ayam Cemani Black Chicken originated from Indonesia.

4. White Truffles 

White Truffles | infomacha
White Truffles 

White Truffles are expensive because of its scarcity of the production.
Truffles are seasonal and very difficult to grow and it takes so many years to cultivate also, Truffles are popularly known as Italian white Truffles and this white Truffles cost nearly $2100.

5. Matsutake Mushroom

Matsutake Mushroom | infomacha
Matsutake Mushroom

Matsutake Mushroom is one of the most expensive food which originated in Japan Tamba region.
These are priced between $1000 to $2000 for 1 kg.
Matsutake Mushroom is a good source of vitamin B, proteins, copper, potassium, zinc and selenium.

6. Kopi Luwak coffee 

Kopi Luwak coffee | infomacha
Kopi Luwak coffee

Kopi Luwak coffee also known as civet coffee. It was eaten and excreted by the Asian plam civet.
This coffee beans are partially digested because the cat eats the coffee barries and excretes  the undigested beans and then this beans are collected, washed, dried and roasted by framers.
It cost nearly $600.

7. Swallow's Nest Soup 

Swallow's Nest Soup | infomacha
Swallow's Nest Soup

" The Caviar of the East " which is very popular in China and one of the most expensive foods in the world.
Swallow's Nest Soup are Swiftlet Bird nests. Swiftlets birds build Nests with their saliva on cave walls for 3 times a year.
It is Special because of  nests was built with sticky saliva of Swiftlet birds and cost around $5000 to $6000 per kg.

8. Moose cheese 

Moose cheese | infomacha
Moose cheese

The Moose cheese is originated from Moose house in Sweden.
Moose cheese is very rare and full of nutrients it is expensive because of it's buttery, creamy and salty flavour.
This cheese is produced by 5 liters of milk everyday and cost nearly $500 per kg.


Still there are lot more expensive and super tasty foods in the world.
They are expensive because of some speciality in there, for free they will not become expensive.
There is a famous saying "Bread as floor" so they are expensive for specific reasons like rarest things or tastiest things are full of nutrients and healthiest foods etc whatever might be the reasons but they are  expensive for a valid reason.
so explore the world and know everything eat healthy, stay healthy, see you again!

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